水野 貴博
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.75, no.654, pp.2029-2037, 2010-08-30 (Released:2010-10-08)

In the 19th century Budapest, two exhibitions were held in the park Városliget. For the first exhibition in 1885, Industry Pavilion was built as the main building at the center of the axial structure of the site, but for the Millennium Exhibition in 1896, History Pavilion, the new main building, should be emphasized more than Industry Pavilion. To solve this problem, a new entrance was planned at the end of the Andrássy Street, a radial street which connected the center of the city and the park, and a promenade circuit was introduced to connect all major pavilions in the site. History Pavilion was built as a complex of imitations of several historic buildings in Hungary and placed picturesquely on an island in a lake. After the exhibition, a square was formed at the entrance and the History Pavilion was rebuilt as a durable building. The adoption of a promenade circuit as the main traffic line and an asymmetric picturesque building as the main pavilion was unique solution at the time, since most of the sites of the world exhibitions in the 19th century were based on classical symmetrical layout.


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さっそくこちら読みました! ブダペストのVárosliget(英雄広場やセーチェーニ温泉がある区画)は建国千年祭博覧会でどのように区画整備がなされたのか、何が新しかったのかが指摘されている。 読めばVárosliget散歩が絶対楽しくなる https://t.co/4nDY8AR0uj https://t.co/i8EeIA6lmm
連載を担当している西日本工業大学の水野貴博教授の19世紀末のブダペストの都市計画に関する研究が全て面白そう。 さっそく先生の論文全部ダウンロードした。ありがとう日本建築学会とJ-STAGE

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