會田 涼子
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.76, no.667, pp.1701-1709, 2011-09-30 (Released:2012-01-13)

Giuseppe Poggi was a Florentine architect who directed city planning in mid-nineteenth century Florence, after it became the Capital of the Kingdom of Italy in 1865. During this period, while executing flood prevention projects, constructing piazzas, residence areas and creating paesaggio, he sought to create a modern city of Florence that was appropriate to its role as capital. Since his projects were profoundly influenced by the Italian political situation, the projects represent not only the ideal figure of Florence but also the ideal figure of Italy during that period. In this research, Poggi's role and the limitations imposed on the jurisdiction of his decision-making will be clarified in order to analyze his projects precisely and to understand urban modernization in Florence.


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#トリノ #フィレンツェ遷都 #ヴィットーリオ・エマヌエーレ2世 注1 >1864年 #ナポレオン3世 との間で結ばれた9月協定 > #イタリア王国 がローマを首都としない表明として、6ケ月以内にフィレンツェ遷都を協定発効の条件とした秘密条項が付記 https://t.co/P6csjHKNpQ #世界史 #近代史 #ヨーロッパ史

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