松田 浩子
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.78, no.685, pp.705-714, 2013-03-30 (Released:2013-06-03)

Batavia was the port city founded by the Dutch United East India Company in the Ciliwung River Delta of Java located in the Asian monsoon tectonic zone. Construction of the urban area and land reclamation of the environs were conducted under the water management based on waterways having multi functions such as self-defense, transportation, drainage, water storage and irrigation. This paper explains changes of the water management and the space structure in the 17th and 18th centuries according to maps, official ordinances and travel records. Structure and features of the channel network are discussed in relation to geomorphology and hydrological conditions of Java.


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@YasuAkiraJapan @hidepon1976 19世紀以降は本格的な領土支配を目的とするオランダ植民地政府が、蘭領東インドの首都としてバタヴィアを近代都市に改変した。1949年のインドネシア独立以降も、ジャカルタの都市空間とインフラは、植民地時代のものを継承発展させてきたといえる。(705頁)https://t.co/9vECNAEqLj

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