村上 しほり
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.78, no.693, pp.2433-2438, 2013-11-30 (Released:2014-07-10)

The railroad viaduct remained unburned in the city area burnt to the ground by Great Kobe Air Raids. People of war damage gathered at the railroad underpass before the end of the war, and the food street vendor appeared after the end of the war. Merchants increased rapidly and have begun to build the temporary shelter of the house and the store. They formed a mall while develop a fight for right before long. From August to October in 1946, an organization called the association of Korean free merchants built the mall called the Sannomiya “international market” at the Sannomiya east district. In this study, I examine the formation and the transformation process of the new mall the “international market” formed by the black market's movement.


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#世界辺境料理研究、神戸出張編、神戸の復興は闇市から始まった。終戦の年8月末、三宮高架下で中国人の揚げ饅頭販売から始まり、三宮-神戸間の2キロを約1500軒の屋台が並び、不法占拠のバラックが埋め尽くした。「神戸 闇市からの復興:占領下にせめぎあう都市空間」https://t.co/RC4hnU2zE9 https://t.co/9CZoa9pJJy

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