新谷 肇一 青木 正夫 高須 芳史 景山 正浩 篠原 宏年
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会計画系論文報告集 (ISSN:09108017)
vol.390, pp.60-76, 1988-08-30 (Released:2017-12-25)

After World War I, the University Act was issued in 1918. By the Act, Medical colleges became Medical Universities and private Medical Universities were constructed, so the facilities of education and study were very prepared. The system of doctor's offices was established by the University Degree Act in 1920. The layout and floor planning of the hospitals affiliated with medical department developed. For instance, the outpatient functions were independent as Tokyo Imperial University and many other Universities. For another example, each clinic was completely independent as Kyoto Imperial University and Kyushu Imperial University and Chiba University where educatinal, researches, treatment, outpatients and hospitalization functions were gathered under the lecture systems. Regarding the treatment facilities, X-ray rooms and physical therapy rooms developed in each independent clinic. These independence of the outpatient functions and centralization of some treatment facilities mean that clinics were partly failed in their independence. Concerning the hospitalization facilities, central corridor type and large open patient room with simple partition increased as the types of wards. And patient's living functions were improved. For example, they were recreation room, dining room and so


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