清水 正博
農林業問題研究 (ISSN:03888525)
vol.45, no.4, pp.336-342, 2010 (Released:2012-04-06)
1 1

Under the theme of fostering regional brands in the retailing world, this article examines the case of the Osakamon brand vegetables sold at supermarkets in Japan. The Izumiya Group has a network of more than 100 stores, of which more than 50 are supermarkets mainly in Osaka. Its business policy is community-based retailing, and it seeks to achieve a merchandise mix and selling method that is just right for the regional characteristics and lifestyle of customers living there. In this effort, it has begun to sell Osakamon brand vegetables. This article defines the characteristics of the purchasers by analyzing the sales data of the Osakamon brand, and examines the merits and demerits for the retailers handling such local vegetables. Also, it considers the challenges for retailers found in the examination, and shows the role of farm producers and government.


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#大阪産 #論文 #小売業 #地域ブランド 小売業における地域ブランドの展開からみる可能性と課題 ~大阪産(もん)野菜を中心として~ 株式会社イズミヤ総研 清水正博 農林業問題研究(第177号・2010年3月) https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/arfe/45/4/45_4_336/_pdf

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