Tomoki Saka Yasunobu Komatsu Isao Yokomizo
The Association for Regional Agricultural and Forestry Economics
Journal of Rural Problems (ISSN:03888525)
vol.46, no.2, pp.254-259, 2010 (Released:2012-04-06)

In recent years, the demand for vegetables has been decreasing. However, due to the development of externalization and the requirement for simplicity and ease in meal preparation, the market size of ready cut vegetables has increased. In addition, the suppliers of ready cut vegetables are interested in domestic vegetables for security-/- relief of food storage. Therefore, the suppliers become an important point of sale for vegetables, but, in the case of ready cut vegetables, the stipulated quality and standards are different from that for normal vegetables. Therefore, this report clarifies the correspondence with and the problems faced by the production district in dealing with contract farming of ready cut vegetables.


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農林業問題研究(第179号2010年9月)「カット用野菜の契約栽培に取り組む産地の対応と課題」坂知樹ほか https://t.co/eSvEBFjYnv 生食用には適度な大きさ(一玉約1.2kg)が求められるが、カット用には大玉(一玉2~2.5kg)を栽培…株数を減らすことで栽培管理や収穫作業が軽減…収量は…生食用に比べ約3割増加

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