伊藤 淳史
The Association for Regional Agricultural and Forestry Economics
農林業問題研究 (ISSN:03888525)
vol.46, no.2, pp.177-186, 2010 (Released:2012-04-06)

本稿では,戦後日本における海外移住政策について,従来ほとんど検討されていなかった農林省サイドの動向に焦点をあてて考察を行った.その結果,農林省サイドの海外移住政策には人的系譜・政策の位置付け双方における満洲農業移民政策との連続性が見出された.海外移住を人口政策として捉えていた外務省サイドでは1960年代以降事業推進の動機が失われるのに対して,農林省サイドでは時々の政策課題に応じた位置付けが与えられた.加えて,海外移住は外務省にとって大東亜省発足にともなって新たに付加された事業であったのに対して,農林省においては戦時期に重要国策として取り組まれた経緯があった.戦後長期にわたって海外移住が推進されたことを外務省サイドの動向のみから説明することは困難である.農林省によって与えられた農業政策としての側面に着目することが必要だろう. また,現在30万人以上におよぶ日系ブラジル人の「デカセギ」現象について,1990年の入管法改正に先立つ戦後移民の「還流」形態が大きな影響を及ぼしていることを指摘した.日系ブラジル人労働者に関する先行研究ではほとんど言及されることはないが,戦後移民の存在を抜きに現在の「デカセギ」を説明することは困難である.従来,満洲移民研究・戦後移民研究・外国人労働者研究は相互を参照することなく行われてきたが,今後は積極的な対話が望まれよう.
内田 和義 中間 由紀子
The Association for Regional Agricultural and Forestry Economics
農林業問題研究 (ISSN:03888525)
vol.45, no.1, pp.161-166, 2009 (Released:2012-04-06)

Although Funatsu Denjibei was a trained farmer, he worked at the Komaba Agricultural School, where he managed the farm and lectured students on traditional agricultural techniques. All the other teachers at the Komaba Agricultural School were foreigners and lectured the students on Western Agricultural Science. In this paper, we clarify Funatsu Denjibei’s attitude toward Western Agricultural Science.Funatsu Denjibei contributed to the establishment of modern agricultural science in Japan by imparting empirical knowledge to agriculturists. He kept company with the other foreign teachers and acquired knowledge on Western Agricultural Science from them and the young agriculturists who graduated from the school. Although he used some of this knowledge, it did not influence his agricultural techniques. The agricultural techniques that he advocated had accumulated over years of experience. He attached great importance to them and when the ideas held by other agriculturists ran contrary to his experience, he always retorted and strongly questioned their opinions.
相原 貴之 後藤 一寿 恩田 聡 安田 宗伸 山城 梢
The Association for Regional Agricultural and Forestry Economics
農林業問題研究 (ISSN:03888525)
vol.46, no.1, pp.63-68, 2010 (Released:2012-02-24)

The Siquasa is a small and acid citrus fruit having a distinctive aroma, which is produced in the northern part of Okinawa. The main commercial by-product obtained from this fruit is 100% juice. Recent years have witnessed an increased leveling-off of the sale of Siquasa by-products and lowering of the price of the raw material, i.e., the fruit. It can be said that the production and product development of the Siquasa fruit have entered into a new phase aiming at securing a steady market position. We presented a model design of Siquasa production and product development in the wake of the boom with the aim of facilitating the abovementioned objective. In Okinawa, a form of Siquasa called “Aogiri” is used as vinegar in August and September. Expanding the sale of Aogiri in mainland Japan would create a new demand and market for the product. However, in order to keep obtaining a higher price for Aogiri, it is necessary to ensure a continuous supply of the quality and quantity of the product that the market demands and to build a committed relationship between the areas of production and the market.
内山 智裕
The Association for Regional Agricultural and Forestry Economics
農林業問題研究 (ISSN:03888525)
vol.46, no.1, pp.104-109, 2010 (Released:2012-02-24)

The Seasonal Agricultural Workers Scheme (SAWS) in the UK has been designed to allow farmers to recruit low-skilled overseas workers to undertake short-term agricultural work. Before 2006, the unique feature of SAWS was that the workers were full-time students pursuing higher education in areas such as agriculture or the English language in their home countries. This indicated that their work experience in the farms in the UK would provide them with significant educational benefits. SAWS changed the eligibility for applicants in 2006 and now specifies that applicants must be either Bulgarians or Romanians but need not necessarily be students. In the present study, interview surveys were conducted on two SAWS operators and these surveys revealed that the quality of the workers has deteriorated after 2006 because of their age and knowledge.By comparing the former SAWS with the revised one, this study recommends that, in the future, the Japanese government draw upon the former SAWS while considering the regulations governing foreign workers.
原 洋之介
The Association for Regional Agricultural and Forestry Economics
農林業問題研究 (ISSN:03888525)
vol.46, no.4, pp.371-381, 2011 (Released:2012-04-06)
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In the first half of the paper the author draws the readers’ attention to the usefulness of Fernand Braudel’s views of history as the basic theory of discussing the relations between capitalism and agriculture. Then he introduces Yanagida Kunio’s works related to the rural economy and society in Japan and tries to identify their relevance to the days of economic globalization in the 21st century. In the latter half the author reviews the two researches focused on the formation of cooperative activities in the rural societies, which adopted the different methods such as econometric approach and in-depth case study. Then he emphasizes the urgent task of fuse or unite these two different approaches for achieving future development and globalization of Meso-Economics.
Tomoki Saka Yasunobu Komatsu Isao Yokomizo
The Association for Regional Agricultural and Forestry Economics
Journal of Rural Problems (ISSN:03888525)
vol.46, no.2, pp.254-259, 2010 (Released:2012-04-06)

In recent years, the demand for vegetables has been decreasing. However, due to the development of externalization and the requirement for simplicity and ease in meal preparation, the market size of ready cut vegetables has increased. In addition, the suppliers of ready cut vegetables are interested in domestic vegetables for security-/- relief of food storage. Therefore, the suppliers become an important point of sale for vegetables, but, in the case of ready cut vegetables, the stipulated quality and standards are different from that for normal vegetables. Therefore, this report clarifies the correspondence with and the problems faced by the production district in dealing with contract farming of ready cut vegetables.