岡田 進之介
美学 (ISSN:05200962)
vol.73, no.2, pp.13-24, 2022 (Released:2024-01-01)

In this paper, I try to explain what stories in a narrative and their identities are. I argue that stories are a form of narrative content relative to the interest. In section 1, I discuss the story–discourse relationship in the tradition of narrative theory, pointing out that it has been an indispensable premise of those theories, however it is argued that there is some fundamental ambiguity about these concepts. Next, Section 2 examines the literature about the topic of story in the modern aesthetic inquiry. I critically consider the “identity theory” and “type theory” (A. Smuts), “event theory” (A. Takada), and “idea theory” (W. D. Cray) and examine their problems. In section 3, in order to address those issues, I propose the interest-relative theory, which identifies stories as interest-relative narrative content by drawing on the theory of interest relativity of narrative content by P. Lamarque.


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