塩入 宏行 木田 尚武
武道学研究 (ISSN:02879700)
vol.27, no.2, pp.18-26, 1995-01-31 (Released:2012-11-27)

There seems to exist a prejudice, among the Japanese people, especially those who are not familiar with the history of European style of fencing, that it is too defensive or technical aspect of the fencing is too much emphasized when compared with the offensive Japanese Kendo in which the traditional straight downward cut, for example, the “Kiri-otoshi” or “Hitotsu-gachi” in Itto-ryu school has been respected. It may partly be because of the difference in their fighting styles. Meanwhile, it is an undeniable fact that the term “fencing” derives from “defencing” by losing its suffix “de”, and the French word, “escrime”, which corresponds to the English fencing, comes from the Frankish “skirmjan” meaning defence through “escremie” or “eskermie”.Originally, of course, fencing was really based on the fight of life or death and it is not so deffensive as we Japanese generally suppose. Even after the World war II (in 1958 & 19687), duels with a real sword were fought. They have pursued this art of fencing very seriously.But historically speaking, as Egerton Castle pronounced in his School and Masters of fence, 'Paradoxical as it seems, the development of the “Art of Fence” was the result of the invention of firearms. Its history need not therefore be taken up higher than the fifteenth century.' We may safely say that modern fencing marked its first step is fencing history in the 15th century with the invention of firearms and has developped technically as the weight of the sword deminished. It was not until the latter half of the 17th century that core techniques in modern fencing, such as <parade-riposte> in two times or <on guare position> closing the line of attack, etc. appeared.In this study the authors tried to clarify the characteristic features in styles of four representative masters of fence in the 16th century Italy where systematic teaching of fencing first appeared and the theories of fencing masters were published in printed treatices. Their names are Achille Marozzo, Camillo Agrippa, Giacomo di Grassi and Angelo Viggiani.


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メモ_φ(・_・ ★武道学研究/フェンシングの歴史ー16世紀イタリアのフェンシング(塩入宏行・木田尚武/著) https://t.co/UohweF8SSk
なーんか無責任に「マロッツォの日本語紹介論文あるよ」と呟いてしまったので貼る。 マロッツォ、アグリッパ、グラッシ、ヴィッジアーニの紹介を中心にイタリア剣術史を。 https://t.co/eViXuqua3r
90年代半ばの発表ですが、フェンシングと西洋剣術をテーマにした研究。修士課程での発表でしょうか?おそらくフェンシングをしていた人なのではないかと思います。「フェンシングの歴史(その1)―16世紀イタリアのフェンシング―(塩入宏行, 木田尚武, 1995) 」https://t.co/u7YVPB2RmJ
こちら、木田氏・塩入氏の3つの論文は日本語にて読める貴重な西洋剣豪達(あのマロッツォやファブリスなどなど!)の資料にございます。 ご興味がおありの方は是非この深い深い「沼」の入り口へと。 https://t.co/eViXuqua3r https://t.co/dlnEEFqzYH https://t.co/S5zB9qYN9h #西洋剣豪 #西洋剣術 https://t.co/rNt6P3gy2b
https://t.co/BhwPQbVw4r 16世紀以降の剣術に関する論文

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