Ippei Shimizu
The Japanese Circulation Society
Circulation Journal (ISSN:13469843)
pp.CJ-23-0419, (Released:2023-07-13)

Evidence indicates a role of cellular senescence and systemic insulin resistance (hyperinsulinemia) in the pathogenesis of age-related cardiovascular–metabolic disorders, including heart failure, atherosclerotic diseases, obesity, and diabetes. “Metabolic remodeling” is one of the keywords for aging research, and studies with brown adipose tissue have shown that maintaining the homeostasis of this organ is crucial to suppressing the progression of pathologies in obesity and heart failure. The mechanisms contributing to the synchronization of aging (sync-aging) are mysterious and interesting. “Senometabolite” or “senoprotein” are defined as circulating molecules that have causal roles in sync-aging, which requires the establishment of new concepts: age-related fibrotic disorders (A-FiDs), and senometabolite-related disorders (SRDs). Globally, researchers are active in comprehensive and conclusive studies targeting age-related circulating molecules. Recently, the senolytic approach opened a new avenue for aging research. Senolysis, mediated through a genetic/pharmacologic/vaccination approach, reversed aging and pathologies in age-related diseases. Suppression of prosenescent molecules (senocules) and senolysis, the specific depletion of senescent cells, will become next-generation therapies for cardiovascular diseases.


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Exploration of New Therapies for Heart Failure Targeting Age-Related Mechanisms https://t.co/fNl1Md9FEB
Suppression of pro-senescent molecules and senolysis would become next-generation therapies for cardiovascular diseases. By Ippei Shimizu https://t.co/ZBY2k0MJhb #circ_j #CardioTwitter https://t.co/HkQ77YcLDV

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