秦 政春
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.39, pp.59-76,en305, 1984-09-30 (Released:2011-03-18)
2 1

The purpose of this article is to analyze the specific character and primary factor of delinquency and deviant behavior, and to discuss problems of educational process in school which affect the behavior, in modern society. The results of analysis on contemporary specific character and primary factor of delinquency are as follows(1) As the recent tendency, the delinquency ratio has increased in younger children than before (juvenilization of delinquent). Especially, the rate of increase of delinquent in primary school is remakable (see table 1).Moreover, a large number of delinquents in primary school tend to repeat the same deviant behavior to grade of upper secondary school (continuationalization of delinquency, see table 2).(2) As to students' consciousness and attitude on the delinquency and deviant behavior, it is not necessarily that all students take objection to the behavior (see table 3, 4).(3) As a result of path analysis, the most influential variable in the direct effect on delinquency is the record of delinquency, and then school-hierarchy, school record, and negative identity (see figure 1, 2).Based upon these results, several problems of educational process in school system on delinquency and deviant behavior must be discussed. That is to say, the problems are educational conditions producing the behavior as an important pathological phenomenon of education.In conclusion, some speculations growing out of the present research are offered. Firstly, it is pointed out that teachers' guidance for delinquent is not practically effective, and educational relationship between primary school, lower secondary school, and upper secondary school is not linked up systematically.Secondly, there are difficult problems concerned with structure of school system ; educational credentials, school-hierarchy, and selection examination. These problems have a considerable effect on delinquency and deviant behavior, even though the effect is not immediate.


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親への暴力については無くは無いですが 親からの暴力に比べればずっと少ないです。 特に、「小学生」ともなるとなおさらです。 これは結構古いので、参考程度に読んでください。 https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/eds1951/39/0/39_0_59/_pdf

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