住吉 博道
公益社団法人 日本薬理学会
日本薬理学雑誌 (ISSN:00155691)
vol.110, no.supplement, pp.93-97, 1997 (Released:2007-01-30)
12 21

According to the recent pharmacological findings, garlic is a preventive rather than therapeutic. Epidemiological studies in China, Italy and USA showed the inverse relationship between stomach and colon cancer incidences and dietary garlic intake. Anti-carcinogenic activities of garlic and its constituents including sulfides and S-allyl cysteine, have been demonstrated using several animal models. Garlic preparations has been also shown to lower serum cholesterol and triglyceride levels, which are major risk factors of cardiovascular diseases, through inhibition of their bio-synthesis in the liver, and to inhibit oxidation of low density lipoprotein. Furthermore, in vitro and in vivo studies have revealed that aged garlic extract stimulated immune functions, such as proliferation of lymphocyte, cytokine release, NK activity and phagocytosis. More recently, aged garlic extract has been demonstrated to prolong life span of senescence accelerated mice and prevent brain atrophy. Manufacturing processes significantly affect chemical constituents in garlic preparations. Different forms contain different phytochemicals and may have different effects and toxicities. For example, aged garlic extract inhibited t-BuOOH-induced oxidation, whereas raw garlic stimulated the oxidation. Although garlic has been used as a condiment and folklore for a long time, it has been noted to cause adverse reactions, such as stomach ulcer and anemia. Among the garlic preparations, only aged garlic extract has been proven to be safe through toxicological studies Thus, aged garlic extract could be the most promising garlic preparation for disease prevention.


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「動物実験では、生ニンニクの反復投与による胃潰瘍や赤血球の減少などが報告されている。また、生ニンニクのとり過ぎによる胸焼けや下痢などは、日常よく経験するところである。」 ニンニクおよびその成分の新しい薬理活性 住吉博道 - 日本薬理学雑誌, 1997 https://t.co/5O2unzuEjn

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