中川 静紀 政本 浩二 住吉 博道 原田 浩
The Japanese Society of Toxicology
The Journal of Toxicological Sciences (ISSN:03881350)
vol.9, no.1, pp.57-60, 1984-02-25 (Released:2008-02-21)
25 36

The acute toxicity test of garlic extract was studied in Wistar rats and ddY mice. The LD<50> values of garlic extract by P.O., I.P. and S.C. administration were estimated over 30 ml/kg respectively in male and female of both rodents. In 30 ml/kg of I.P. group, five of ten in male rats and one of ten in female rats were died within a day after administration, however no specific signs due to garlic extract were observed in survivals for 7 days.
有賀 豊彦 熊谷 日登美 吉川 雅清 川上 肇 関 泰一郎 櫻井 英敏 長谷川 功 衛藤 威臣 住吉 博道 恒吉 唯充 角 眞一郎 岩井 和夫
園芸学会雑誌 (ISSN:00137626)
vol.71, no.3, pp.362-369, 2002-05-15
4 16

天然無臭ニンニクといわれているネギ属植物について, 植物学的, 生化学的分析を行い, その種の同定を試みた.この植物は, 草丈, 鱗茎ともに通常のニンニクより大きく, 鱗片は花茎に密着して鱗茎を形成する大型のものと, 鱗茎の辺縁に付着する小型のものがあり, これらの数は20に及ぶ.花器はよく発達するが, ニンニクにみられる花序での珠芽形成はない.染色体は2n=32でリーキと同数であり, にんにくの2倍であった.そのDNAの制限断片長多型(RFLP)は, リーキに似ており, ニンニク, エレファントガーリックなどとは異なっていた.アイソザイム分析においてはリーキと最も似たパターンを示した.鱗茎細胞内でのアリイナーゼ(C-Sリアーゼ)mRNAの発現は, 他種に比べ少なかったが, 大きさは等しく, 1.9 kbであった.この植物のアリイナーゼのN末端25アミノ酸残基の配列はリーキのそれと一致し, ニンニクとは2残基相違した.以上の結果から, この植物は, リーキと極めて近縁の植物であり, Allium ampeloprasum L.の中に分類することができると考えられる.
住吉 博道
公益社団法人 日本薬理学会
日本薬理学雑誌 (ISSN:00155691)
vol.110, no.supplement, pp.93-97, 1997 (Released:2007-01-30)
12 21

According to the recent pharmacological findings, garlic is a preventive rather than therapeutic. Epidemiological studies in China, Italy and USA showed the inverse relationship between stomach and colon cancer incidences and dietary garlic intake. Anti-carcinogenic activities of garlic and its constituents including sulfides and S-allyl cysteine, have been demonstrated using several animal models. Garlic preparations has been also shown to lower serum cholesterol and triglyceride levels, which are major risk factors of cardiovascular diseases, through inhibition of their bio-synthesis in the liver, and to inhibit oxidation of low density lipoprotein. Furthermore, in vitro and in vivo studies have revealed that aged garlic extract stimulated immune functions, such as proliferation of lymphocyte, cytokine release, NK activity and phagocytosis. More recently, aged garlic extract has been demonstrated to prolong life span of senescence accelerated mice and prevent brain atrophy. Manufacturing processes significantly affect chemical constituents in garlic preparations. Different forms contain different phytochemicals and may have different effects and toxicities. For example, aged garlic extract inhibited t-BuOOH-induced oxidation, whereas raw garlic stimulated the oxidation. Although garlic has been used as a condiment and folklore for a long time, it has been noted to cause adverse reactions, such as stomach ulcer and anemia. Among the garlic preparations, only aged garlic extract has been proven to be safe through toxicological studies Thus, aged garlic extract could be the most promising garlic preparation for disease prevention.