山崎 誠子 梅田 浩司
一般社団法人 日本鉱物科学会
岩石鉱物科学 (ISSN:1345630X)
vol.41, no.2, pp.39-46, 2012 (Released:2012-05-04)
6 15 6

The cooling history of the Crateceous Toki granite, exposed in the eastern Sanyo Belt, Central Japan, was constructed from various geochronological data. The granite yields K-Ar biotite ages of 74±2 to 72±2 Ma (±1σ) and K-Ar hornblende ages of 75±4 to 74±4 Ma, which are concordant with a previously reported Rb-Sr whole-rock isochron age. Fission-track ages of zircon and apatite in the granite give ages 73±3 to 64±3 Ma and 40±4 to 37±4 Ma, respectively. These above thermochronological data suggests two distinctive cooling stages for the Toki granite; 1) a first rapid cooling stage in which the granitic magma was cooled to the temperature of host rock soon after intrusion at depths of 5-7 km in the upper crust, and 2) second slow cooling stage (7-9 °C/m.y.) associated with the uplift and subsequent erosion of the granite intrusion after ∼ 70 Ma.


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@shibachiri 花崗岩が冷えるのは速いものでは100万年ですが,それは最速の部類で,もう1桁程度時間がかかります.土岐花崗岩の例. https://t.co/OS2dSwflM8
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