Kyoko Kawakatsu Taro Harada Ayuko Ushio Mitsuru Dozono Naoko Fukuta
The Japanese Society for Horticultural Science
The Horticulture Journal (ISSN:21890102)
pp.OKD-138, (Released:2018-02-17)

The number of petals in a flower is one of the most important appearance qualities of ornamental flowers. In Eustoma, the number of petals fluctuates significantly and little is known about how it is controlled. We investigated the cultivating conditions that affect the number of petals in double flowers and tried to develop a technique for growing splendid corolla. High temperature in the reproductive phase reduces the number of petals. The transient treatment of high temperature just prior to the petal initiation stage is sufficient to control such a reduction. The measurement of flower bud growth showed that one week of temperature treatment is necessary to control the number of petals in a flower. The integration of our results demonstrated that both daytime and nighttime temperatures affected the number of petals and that the number of petals was clearly correlated with average daily temperature within the range of 20°C < x < 25°C. This phenomenon applies to various cultivars in Eustoma grandiflorum. We propose the greenhouse conditions necessary to achieve both high quality flowers and reduced energy consumption by considering the temperature and stages of flower development.


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A new article in Hort. J. is available on Advance Publications Thermal Control Suitable for Increasing Petals in... https://t.co/G0Sncpl22O

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