坂東 靜 浅野 裕俊 野澤 昭雄
一般社団法人 電気学会
電気学会論文誌C(電子・情報・システム部門誌) (ISSN:03854221)
vol.135, no.5, pp.520-525, 2015-05-01 (Released:2015-05-01)
1 3

A digital book has become popular along with the popularization of electronic medium. It is needed that assessment of not only subjective assessment about readability or usability, but also objective assessment of psychosomatic health impact. The objective of this study is an objective assessment of physiological and psychological effects of reading books using electronic or paper medium. This paper focused on hemodynamic parameters. The measurement item was VAS and POMS as a psychological index and hemodynamics parameters as a physiological index. As a result, low vigorous and unreadable were significantly recognized (p<0.05) in reading a book using an electronic medium comparing with a paper medium. Cardiovascular system became active coping because of sympathetic hyperactivity in the hemodynamic reaction. By contrast, using an electronic medium did not fit into stress coping. It was also found that parasympathetic nervous system enhanced with illegibility of the sentence and fatigue by usinig an electronic medium. For all of these results, it became identified a difference in a way to manage in physiologically with reading a book using an electronic and paper medium.


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電気学会 電子・情報・システム部門誌に,博士後期課程1年在籍中の坂東靜君の論文が掲載されました。 坂東 靜,浅野 裕俊,野澤 昭雄:「読書の表示媒体に関する生理的影響の分析」,電気学会論文誌C,Vol. 135, No.... http://t.co/f1TJlYwzPp

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