中野 美香 高原 健爾 梶原 寿了
一般社団法人 電気学会
電気学会論文誌A(基礎・材料・共通部門誌) (ISSN:03854205)
vol.129, no.5, pp.379-385, 2009-05-01 (Released:2009-05-01)
7 3

This paper describes the instructional design to develop communication ability for students in the electrical engineering majors. It is based on the case of Fukuoka Institute of Technology which started new courses for communication skills in 2007. A series of communication education from the freshman year to the third grade is systematized, considering the developmental process of students' argumentation. In the classes, students continually learn dialogue and cooperation through various styles of discussion, debate, presentation and so on. The first introductory class of all is “Communication Theory I”, which is aimed at developing self-awareness and improving discussion skills for interpersonal relationship. In this course, students acquire skills to construct their arguments about the given issues and to evaluate others' presentation performances each other. To cultivate students' communication ability, education should not be closed in a class, but support system from departmental level is essential.


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