奥井 明伸 池田 春男
The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan
電気学会論文誌D(産業応用部門誌) (ISSN:09136339)
vol.117, no.5, pp.637-644, 1997-04-20 (Released:2008-12-19)

Recently, a neutral point-clamped type inverter (three-level inverter) with large capacity has come to be used in a train, etc. for driving A. C. motor. The three-level inverter has an advantage of being low in harmonics unlike conventional two-level inverter. Moreover, if DC-voltage is at same voltage, a transistor or an IGBT whose switching frequency is high can be used as a substitute for high-voltage GTO thyristor, because the number of switching elements in one arm is double.However, the three-level inverter has a drawback in that the output voltage is not controllable smoothly in the case of output voltage being low. It is because the switching element needs a minimum on-off time; this is especially remarkable with the GTO thyristor whose minimum on-off time is long. In order to avoid operation with this drawback, the three-level inverter frequently adopts a dipola modulation. The dipola modulation adds a bias component to the control signal of output voltage lest the control signal should become low-level, and it generates simultaneously a pulse voltage to cancel the bias component.In this paper, first, the output voltage of a three-level inverter with single phase using dipola modulation is analyzed, then its characteristics of harmonics are made clear. Second, in the case of a three-level inverter with three phases, zero-phase sequence component of harmonics are described. Third, characteristics of harmonics are analyzed in the case of three-level inverter being multiply. Lastly, what are described above are verified by simulation.


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@0612Xlookup3 読みました。昔から電気回路は苦手分野で難しい内容でしたが、どんなものかはなんとなく分かりました。 アナログシンセサイザーで言うvoltage controled oscillator などの原理に関わるのがバイポーラと理解しました。 ところで、ダイポーラという用語もあるんですね
@musicstd https://t.co/Dsrw7iGHKB
ダイポーラ変調はそんな詳しくないからこれを見ながらやっていた https://t.co/u6alhjNQSW
「素子の特性上最小パルス幅に限界があるから、バイアスを掛けた電圧指令を逆相で引き算して実効出力を細かく制御するよ。」 正直解釈に自信はないです。 https://t.co/49ilFb8s9f

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