Shotaro Takahashi Keiji Wada Hideki Ayano Satoshi Ogasawara Toshihisa Shimizu
The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan
IEEJ Journal of Industry Applications (ISSN:21871094)
pp.21006800, (Released:2021-08-13)

The switching frequency of power converters is continuing to increase with the demand for their increased power density. Therefore, the frequency band of the electromagnetic interference (EMI) generated by power converters ranges from several kilohertz to 100 MHz or more, thereby increasing the importance of EMI countermeasures in power converters. In addition, with the practical applications of smart grids and microgrids and the introduction of 5G technology, cases wherein power converters and information communication devices are placed in close proximity are continuing to increase. Thus, in societies wherein power converters and information communication devices are highly integrated, it is necessary to ensure electromagnetic compatibility based on a different concept. This paper presents a review on modeling and suppression techniques for the EMI generated by power converters and discusses future prospects in this field.


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電力変換システムにおけるEMI技術に関するレビュー。半導体デバイスのスイッチング高速化が波形の周波数スペクトルに与える影響について議論した後,3種類のEMIモデリング手法を紹介。次に,EMIフィルタリング技術についてpassive/acitve型に分けて紹介。 #論文 https://t.co/K4Wmrghmfq
電気学会 英文誌にパワエレEMIに関するReview Paper掲載されています。最新の抑制対策事例をまとめていますので,是非ともご覧ください J-STAGE Articles - Review of Modeling and Suppression Techniques for Electromagnetic Interference in Power Conversion Systems https://t.co/1fC7lCn9wu

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