Yoshifumi Yamada Junichi Uchida Hisa Izumi Yoko Tsukamoto Gaku Inoue Yuichi Watanabe Junichiro Irie Satoru Yamada
The Japanese Society of Internal Medicine
Internal Medicine (ISSN:09182918)
vol.53, no.1, pp.13-19, 2014 (Released:2014-01-01)
7 92

Objective Although caloric restriction is a widely used intervention to reduce body weight and insulin resistance, many patients are unable to comply with such dietary therapy for long periods. The clinical effectiveness of low-carbohydrate diets was recently described in a position statement of Diabetes UK and a scientific review conducted by the American Diabetes Association. However, randomised trials of dietary interventions in Japanese patients with type 2 diabetes are scarce. Therefore, the aim of this study was to examine the effects of a non-calorie-restricted, low-carbohydrate diet in Japanese patients unable to adhere to a calorie-restricted diet. Methods The enrolled patients were randomly allocated to receive a conventional calorie-restricted diet or low-carbohydrate diet. The patients received consultations every two months from a registered dietician for six months. We compared the effects of the two dietary interventions on glycaemic control and metabolic profiles. Results The HbA1c levels decreased significantly from baseline to six months in the low-carbohydrate diet group (baseline 7.6±0.4%, six months 7.0±0.7%, p=0.03) but not in the calorie-restricted group (baseline 7.7±0.6%, six months 7.5±1.0%, n.s.), (between-group comparison, p=0.03). The patients in the former group also experienced improvements in their triglyceride levels, without experiencing any major adverse effects or a decline in the quality of life. Conclusion Our findings suggest that a low-carbohydrate diet is effective in lowering the HbA1c and triglyceride levels in patients with type 2 diabetes who are unable to adhere to a calorie-restricted diet.


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効果はありますがこちらには *糖質制限ダイエットは肥満の方(BMI25以上)を対象としています。 太っていない方は減量効果があまり期待できません。 http://www.nhk.or.jp/you-doki/archive/life/20120827.html とありますね。 >北里研究所病院のY医師式は私は本当に痩せられるのか疑問に思ってます。 こういうのを何の根拠もない出鱈目と ...

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[Japanese text only] [抄録和訳] 以下は、北里研究所病院糖尿病センター北里研究所病院糖尿病センター 山田 悟医師による論文アブストラクトの拙訳です。 https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/internalmedicine/53/1/53_53.0861/_article 『2型糖尿病患者の代替食事療法としての低炭水化物ダイエットの効果』 ...
低碳水化合物原来热量食对健常者真的有效吗? Are low carbohydrate energy foods really effective to a healthy person? ...
En ny studie publisert for noen dager siden viser at et karbohydratbegrenset kosthold, der det ikke var noen begrensninger i mengden mat som kunne spises, er mer effektivt til å redusere langtidsblods ...

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@nutrition_facts https://t.co/fxHBGilJ9i
A Non-calorie-restricted Low-carbohydrate Diet is Effective as an Alternative Therapy for Patients with Type 2 Diabetes https://t.co/0dAALFMo1y
Non-calorie-restricted Low-carbohydrate Diet is Effective as an Alternative Therapy for Patients with Type2 Diabetes https://t.co/Pq6Bl83DKu
@DrDuaneRD @SportieDoc @SamFeltham @BrDieteticAssoc https://t.co/DSegVYYtSk
原著論文はこちら https://t.co/ctQhP1sxO6【メモ】「ようやく日本人のエビデンス登場 糖質制限食vsカロリー制限食」 http://t.co/eXNa1ST5e8
https://t.co/CpKifKbyOH 原典はこれでしょうかね。
いいね、この論文。日本の本格的な糖質制限とカロリー制限の糖尿病患者でのリサーチ。糖質制限では効果があって、カロリー制限ではあまりなかったとのことです。 https://t.co/sP3t7n79H8
A Non-calorie-restricted Low-carbohydrate Diet is Effective as an Alternative Therapy for Patients with T2 Diabetes: https://t.co/7dRSJEU52L
Ny japansk studie viser positive effekter av lavkarbo ved diabetes type 2 https://t.co/JyshD6XqvO
HbA1c levels decreased significantly in the #low-carbohydrate diet group but not in the calorie-restricted group http://t.co/NgMa5kw5lH
北里研究所病院糖尿病センターの山田さんという方が患者さんに糖質制限を試みたんだって。ランダム化比較試験という手法での検証だとか。 中身が見えるから英文の方を出すけど つhttps://t.co/4BtgKLs3LN
Study: Low Carb Bests Low Cal Diet for Diabetics https://t.co/L2vwQv3OKK More: http://t.co/WMR30ZzVVH #diabetes #food #health
Low carb diet found to be effective in lowering the HbA1c and triglyceride levels in patients with type 2 #diabetes http://t.co/XnDeYsGELy

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