那須 耕介
法哲学年報 (ISSN:03872890)
vol.2006, pp.57-75,266, 2007-10-30 (Released:2010-12-16)

With the recent establishment of law school in Japan, the social role of legal education at the university is now becoming our focus of attention. As often pointed out, the legal education at the Faculty of Law has suffered by its serious contradictions and blindness. Especially, although most students do not choose to become lawyer, both method and content of education has been designed without proper consideration of their needs. Now that the locus of lawyer training is moved to the law schools, the serious doubt turned to the raison d'_??_tre of the Faculty of Law will not be able to be removed, as far as this state continues. After pointing out that the current state of legal education in Japan owes much to the particular circumstances of many late-started modernization countries (including Japan), this report proposes a new task that should be borne so that Faculty of Law may continue next future. My main point is that bringing up the mediator who fills the gap between lawyers (the specialist) and citizens (the nonspecialists) might be a new role of the Faculty of Law. These jobs are supposed to function as translators, critics or commentators who understand and evaluates the way of thinking and acting of legal specialists. If the faculty of law should live through current impasse, it has to upgrade its educational program so as to develop the cultural foundation of the rule of law.


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