菊水 健史
動物心理学研究 (ISSN:09168419)
vol.62, no.1, pp.101-110, 2012 (Released:2012-07-27)

Dogs have been domesticated by humans for more than 15,000 years. Now, dogs are the most closely related animals to humans in the world. Behind this evolutional process, the rare ability of dog's social cognition and to read human emotions and situations have been pointed out. The superior cognitive ability of dogs have achieved a unique niche in the human society, also nowadays its cognitive and learning ability has become a valuable research topic in the research field of animal psychology. Recent studies of human and dog suggest that these two species have been developed in the convergent evolution, on the process of domestication. So our best friend “dog” is not just domesticated animals, a “companion” who live together within human society as a unique species. This paper introduces some specific social skills of dogs and its biological properties, which have been revealed by molecular biological and cognitive science approaches in recent years.


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@spikeup2 犬の認知能力は論文でもいろいろ書かれていて面白いですよ! https://t.co/8lHtsaUaMa
イヌって桃源郷で遊び暮らす仙人のようだと思いました。はぁ、実家の犬に会いたい。 2012年のイヌ・ヒトの関係性について書かれた日本語の論文。 https://t.co/q0Yko9sK40
犬を飼っている心理クラスターには自明だが,犬には共同注意の才能がある.人間とイヌとの間で社会性が共進化してきた…とストーリーも描ける.幼児期の間にイヌと触れ合うことが凄く意味あることかもしれない. >ヒトとイヌを絆ぐ:行動からみた2者の関係 https://t.co/N91eVJGV9w
@_chimera0 学術論文の情報です。 ヒトとイヌを絆ぐ https://t.co/cVr8GaBSYw と、キメラ10777号は緊張した状態でURLを示します。 #キメラ・ネットワーク #bot

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