小松 直幹
石油技術協会誌 (ISSN:03709868)
vol.70, no.3, pp.250-258, 2005 (Released:2007-06-01)

Japan hunted oil in Manchuria before World War II. In 1927 Japanese geologist found scattered asphalt in vugs of basalt and quaternary gravel deposits on the north western shore of Hulun Nur (lake), NW Manchuria. Geological Survey of China made a check survey of the area, and found the same asphalt in 1931.After establishment of Manchukuo, geological survey, tortion balance and refraction seismograph survey, and drilling were conducted during 1932-1941. One deep well (1,114 m TD) and 21 core holes were drilled on the northern shore of the lake, but no potential oil were found.That the core hole drilled in Fuxin coal mine hit oil shows in 1938, led to extensive oil exploration program. Geological field party mapped a broad anticline located on east of Fuxin, and the core hole drilled on the anticline recovered some 30 m thick sandstones (100-200 m in depth) impregnating with oil. To explore this oil called on massive drilling campaign, and 47 or more wells were drilled on this anticline, but the reservoir quality was not good enough to establish commercial production. It is noteworthy to point out that the geologists engaged in Fuxin oil exploration thought that the oil came from Jurassic shales deposited in fresh water lake.In 1940 oil shows were found in the water wells near Chengde, and a one-month field check survey was conducted, and mapped a small anticline in Jurassic shales, but no further exploration was conducted.


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@usaminoriya 満鉄と政府が満洲を占領しモンゴル地域で石油試掘をしましたが(当時は軍事機密)採掘不能が判明 北樺太の採掘契約も更新不可に その掘削機をインドネシアへ移動しようとして真珠湾攻撃をしたようですね https://t.co/YT3WLrfv4s 玄洋社、武徳会、満洲同仁会、帝弁、神社局、日赤等の支持があったとか
Naoki Hyakuta refounded a political party @hoshuto_jp He wrote of Japan's oil industry after WWII but not of ex-Navy's North Sakhalin Oil and secretly failed oil mines plan in Manchuria https://t.co/YT3WLrfv4s ex-Pro-Abe, YouTuber, manga original author https://t.co/DKac60Aii9
@hyakutanaoki 自虐するのは石油開発でひっかけられたような満鉄と海軍 https://t.co/YT3WLrfv4s
https://t.co/Y0I8AkuWdr 満州における石油調査は、戦前から行われていたが、開戦間近に軍事秘密として調査されるようになったために、アメリカの最新機器や調査手法が使えず、発見に至ることは出来なかった。
油田って旧満州の大慶油田の事ですかね? それ旧日本軍は発見出来なかった筈だが? ジャライノールの発掘もアスファルト以外発掘できなかったみたいですけど? 微妙に認識が....(苦笑) 資料 https://t.co/p1sRlBF4HB https://t.co/k8zzB9DMU6
開戦避けて政策まわすパラメーターの1つとして「もし満州で大慶油田を見つけてたら…」とうのがあって、技術的に可能だったか?というのがたまに検証されてる。探鉱技術が低かったから無理そう、というのがつらいところ。 『満州における日本の石油探鉱』(2005) https://t.co/gCtAIiVnMg https://t.co/ml0jK2CXHA
@nysalor これ読むと地球観測衛星あっても無理そう…orz https://t.co/WgoqWinF9g
けっこうちゃんと調査してるんだよね満州の油田 https://t.co/ajgQaQ7N3v

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