水野 一晴 中村 俊夫
Tokyo Geographical Society
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.108, no.1, pp.18-30, 1999-02-25 (Released:2009-11-12)
2 2

Leopard's remains were discovered at Tyndall Glacier on Mt. Kenya in 1997. The radiocarbon dates of ca. 900 ± 100 yrs BP correspond to the shift from a warm period to a cool period and the age of the Tyndall Moraine. The leopard was probably not exposed from the ice of the Tyndall Glacier judging from the condition of the remains. The discovery of the leopard's remains in 1997 is consistent with the climatic change from a cool period which continued until the 19th century to warm period in the 20 century.The succession of alpine vegetation around Tyndall Glacier can be clarified from the conditions of glacial margins and moraines (Lewis Moraine : ca. 100 yrs BP, Tyndall Moraine : ca. 900-500 yrs BP). The Tyndall Glacier on Mt. Kenya retreated at a steady rate from the late 1950 s to 1996. The first colonist species over the new till, Senecio keniophytum, advanced at a rate similar to the retreat of the glacier. The species growing near the ice-front of Tyndall Glacier colonized in tandem with the retreat of the glacier. Till age and stability of land surface are important environmental factors controlling the vegetation pattern around Tyndall Glacier. The pioneer species make humus which results in an improved soil condition. About 70 to 100 yrs elapse from the glacial release before such large woody plants as Senecio keniodendron and Lobelia telekii grow on the glacier foreland.


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ケニア山の氷河で900年前のヒョウ発見!ってめっちゃテンション上がったくだりが作中にあるんですが、当然論文になってるんですね。 https://t.co/BIpqXsICyZ

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