樋口 幸永 近藤 隆二郎
一般社団法人 日本家政学会
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.60, no.10, pp.859-868, 2009-10-15 (Released:2012-07-19)

The purpose of this study is to clarify the feature of the movement of recording the household account as promoted by the Zenkoku Tomo-no-kai, a readers'club of Fujin-no-tomo magazine. This study also aims to reexamine the role of the movement by tracing the transition of the readers'lifestyle as well as what they sought in life. We examined (1) the contents of the magazine as well as the feature of the house-keeping book, (2) how the house-keeping book was promoted as well as what resulted in favor of improved household budget, and (3) readers'comments included some special feature articles on the house-keeping book. The examination found that the initial plan was to assist the club members in forming their household budget by offering the mean value and quantity of their housekeeping items. It was also found that the movement was meant to help its members draw up an ideal budget in the hope that a sound household would eventually contribute to forming a sound society. Then, the movement gradually shifted its stand and tried to assist its members to consider that their households were part of the entire social system. In other words, keeping household account helped its members deepen their understanding of social affairs. This understanding has led up to less dependence on outsourcing of various nature, which would help alleviate environmental disruption. In conclusion, it is safe to state that the act or habit of keeping household account as promoted by the Zenkoku Tomo-nokai of the magazine Fujin-no-tomo has helped the club members incorporate the social concept in themselves.


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「全国友の会」 における家計簿記帳運動の特徴と役割 樋口幸永 https://t.co/mHUn632FWf

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