好田 由佳
一般社団法人 日本家政学会
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.60, no.8, pp.705-714, 2009 (Released:2012-03-28)

The purpose of this study is to explore the role of a woman's magazine in the late Victorian era through fashion articles. The material I have used for conducting this research is The Girl's Own Paper from the 1880s. An important point to emphasize is the fact that The Girl's Own Paper expressed the new spirit of the late Victorian era through its fashion articles. First, The Girl's Own Paper targeted a wide audience. For this reason, the middle class and lower-middle class were given an opportunity to enjoy new fashion. Second, the fashion articles spread the popularity of Victorian fashion among women from England to the British colonies. Third, from the articles about paper patterns, the influence of American clothing' life became clear. In conclusion, we can say with fair certainty that The Girl's Own Paper is a woman's magazine which occupied an important position in theVictorian era.


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