西川 和孝 川本 実穂 田中 章江
一般社団法人 日本家政学会
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.65, no.7, pp.339-345, 2014 (Released:2015-01-01)

The oxalic acid content of spinach has become a major human health concern due to its toxicity. We investigated in this study the residual oxalic acid content in spinach and the free oxalic acid content in the cooking solution. The water temperature and duration of boiling were important factors for the residual oxalic acid content of spinach, while the water volume and salt concentration had no influence. However, the content of free oxalic acid in the cooking solution was influenced by the water volume, salt concentration, water temperature, and duration of boiling. In particular, the oxalic acid content in the cooking solution decreased with increasing salt concentration. Cooking spinach by boiling was demonstrated, and a follow-up questionnaire survey of junior high school students was conducted. The results of the questionnaire survey clarified that there was insufficient understanding of the preparation of vegetables by boiling as studied at the elementary school level. However, most students understood how to boil spinach after the teaching demonstration, and the results of a cluster analysis showed that the students' interest as well as knowledge about spinach had increased


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シュウ酸 (COOH)_2 ですか。 小中学校家庭科では名指しされてはいないようですが、ほうれん草などのアクとして有名ですね。 関連文献: 西川ら,ほうれんそうのゆで調理におけるシュウ酸含量の変化と中学校家庭科教材への活用, 日本家政学会誌, 2014 https://t.co/94frmcM2Ox

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