岡本 洋子 田口 田鶴子
The Japan Society of Home Economics
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.48, no.7, pp.621-631, 1997-07-15 (Released:2010-03-09)

A survey of the effect childhood diet on the taste sensitivity and personality in later life was conducted on college students from 18 to 20 years of age (93 females). The sensitivity toward sweet, sour, salty, bitter and umami tastes was measured by using aqueous solutions.The students recalled the tastes and nutritional balance from childhood when preparing daily meals. Dishes such as Hamburg steak, curry and rice, and nimono were eaten, together with snacks, cakes and sweet rolls by most of the 93 subjects during childhood.Most of the subjects recalled eating tasty and enjoyable meals around the family dinner table, and that their mothers prepared everything from scratch. A few of the students recalled eating meals alone and having a lot of fast food.Taste sensitivity tests with aqueous solutions showed that the subjects could perceive 0.1-0. 6% of sucrose, 0.01-0.05% of citric acid, 0.01-0.06% of sodium chloride, 1.0 × 10-9-1.0 × 10-4% of quinine, and 0.005-0.035% of MSG. Little difference was found between the diet in childhood and the subsequent taste sensitivity.There was, however, a significant correlation between the diet in childhood and 8 of the 12 personality traits. A balanced diet in childhood had a good effect on personality (i.e., absence of depression, an active demeanor and social extravesion).We conclude that a good diet during childhood had little influence on taste sensitivity in later life, while it had a positive influence on personality development.


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