難波 敦子 成 暁 宮川 金二郎
The Japan Society of Home Economics
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.49, no.2, pp.193-197, 1998-02-15 (Released:2010-03-10)

A search for the correlation between Japanese and Chinese food cultures identified the production of natto, a non-salted and fermented soybean product, in China. Natto is prepared by Jingpo-zu in Dehong Thai-zu Jingpo-zu Province of Yunnan in China. Boiled soybean covered with bamboo grass, straw or loquat leaves is left to ferment in a bamboo basket. After fermentation, it is eaten with pepper, or salt and pepper is added to produce a seasoning like Japanese miso. Salted natto is also dried for storage as drynatto, and some natto is used to prepare Shui-douchi a kind of supplementary food. Our search indicates that the nattoline from Nepal via Bhutan and Myanmar that has been presented by Sasaki can be extended to Yunnan in China.


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@otakucalendarjp @E_Megas I am of Yunnanese descent. Our traditional foods have a similar flavor profile to a lot of traditional Japanese food. Lots of fermented stuff

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