西林 克彦
一般社団法人 日本教育心理学会
教育心理学研究 (ISSN:00215015)
vol.39, no.4, pp.365-372, 1991-12-30 (Released:2013-02-19)

In order to examine affirmative and negative processes in the function of the complexity of the cognitive structure, in experiment I college students were presented place names on CRTs and were asked whether they had been to such places. In experiment II tasks identifying place names were added. Affirmative RTs were relatively constant with distant and close places. Negative RTs, however, were fast with distant places where the cognitive structure was hierarchically simple and slow with close places where the cognitive structure was complex. Results confirmed that fast negative responses with distant places were made by stopping further inspection when negative superordinates of the places were retrieved. Negative processes with near by places took time to search in comparison to peripheral places, because studied places had stored no information to negate with them.


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古い論文を読みました。 西林克彦(1991):記憶構造の複雑さによる否定過程の変化.教育心理学研究 39: 365-372. こちらも物事の認識の心理学的研究ですが,事例として地名を使っているのが,私にとっては非常に興味深い。 https://t.co/SGfJzLHLhr

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