岡本 誠 甲斐 嘉晃 三澤 遼 鈴木 勇人 時岡 駿
一般社団法人 日本魚類学会
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
pp.22-014, (Released:2022-09-07)

A single specimen (130.0 mm standard length: SL) of Platyberyx mauli Kukuev, Parin and Trunov, 2012, collected at 452–453 m depth off Shizugawa Bay, Miyagi Prefecture, Japan, is the first record of the species from the Pacific Ocean. Previously reported only from the eastern central Atlantic, P. mauli is characterized by the following combination of characters: dorsal-fin rays 28 (28 in present specimen); anal-fin rays 17 (17); pectoral-fin rays 17 or 18 (18); total vertebrae number 33 or 34 (34); head length 30.4–33.9% SL (30.5% SL); body depth 45.6–52.2% SL (46.3% SL); prepectoral length 34.2–35.3% SL (34.2% SL); dorsal-fin base length 75.4–79.1% SL (76.1% SL); ventral caudal spur absent; procurrent rays cylindrical; gill rakers stout, rounded, with many small bristles, especially near tip and midway along each raker; jaw teeth in multiple rows anteriorly; posterior margin of upper jaw extending nearly to posterior margin of orbit; dorsal pharyngeal papillae multifid; conspicuous multifid papillae throughout inside of mouth cavity. The new standard Japanese name “Shamoji-yaegisu” is proposed for the species. Additionally, a single specimen (176.9 mm SL) of Platyberyx andriashevi (Kukuev, Parin and Trunov, 2012), collected off the Pacific coast of Hokkaido, represents the first record of the species from that region. A key to the six species of Caristiidae currently known from Japan is provided.


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太平洋初記録のヤエギス科魚類<i>Platyberyx mauli</i>シャモジヤエギス(新称)と北海道初記録の<i>Platyberyx andriashevi</i>イロジロヤエギス https://t.co/DhRt3vTLue
@deepsea_fishes さんとの共著が出ました。太平洋初記録のヤエギス科魚類Platyberyx mauliシャモジヤエギス(新称)と北海道初記録のPlatyberyx andriasheviイロジロヤエギス。 https://t.co/Dd0uc2FL8c

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