三澤 遼 鈴木 勇人 甲斐 嘉晃
一般社団法人 日本魚類学会
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
pp.23-006, (Released:2023-07-10)

The ceratoid anglerfish genus Dolopichthys Garman, 1899, distributed in the bathypelagic zone of all three major oceans, is characterized by the following combination of characters: females with well-developed sphenotic spines; body relatively long and slender, not globular; pectoral-fin lobe short, shorter than the longest pectoral-fin rays; skin naked and entirely smooth; lower jaw with a well-developed symphysial spine; pterygiophore emerging on the snout from between the frontal bones; caudal peduncle depth less than 20% of standard length (SL); quadrate spine well developed; frontal bones long and straight; hyomandibula with a double head. The genus includes seven valid species, Dolopichthys allector Garman, 1899, Dolopichthys danae Regan, 1926, Dolopichthys longicornis Parr, 1927, Dolopichthys jubatus Regan and Trewavas, 1932, Dolopichthys pullatus Regan and Trewavas, 1932, Dolopichthys dinema Pietsch, 1972, and Dolopichthys karsteni Leipertz and Pietsch, 1987, with only D. longicornis being known from Japanese waters to date. A single female specimen (88.6 mm SL) of the rare species D. danae, was collected at a bottom depth of 902–917 m off Iwate Pref., Pacific coast of northern Japan, on 12 October 2022. The specimen was distinguished from other congeners by a longer illicium (length 70% SL), dorsal midline of the escal bulb with two darkly pigmented, distally bifurcating papillae, vomer without teeth, and lower jaw with ca. 150 teeth. Dolopichthys danae was previously known from six specimens only, all from the North Atlantic (south of 40˚N), the present specimen therefore representing the seventhknown specimen and first record of the species from the Indo-Pacific, including Japanese waters. The new standard Japanese name “Enaga-mimizuku-rakuda-anko” is proposed for the species.


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岩手県沖から得られた太平洋初記録の ラクダアンコウ科魚類<i>Dolopichthys danae</i>エナガミミズクラクダアンコウ(新称) https://t.co/TNI48nkGx6
なんと! 魚類学雑誌 - 岩手県沖から得られた太平洋初記録の ラクダアンコウ科魚類 Dolopichthys danae エナガミミズクラクダアンコウ(新称) https://t.co/qD8OVnRlC0

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