森岡 弘之
The Ornithological Society of Japan
vol.28, no.4, pp.125-129, 1979-12-30 (Released:2007-09-28)
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Check-list of Japanese Birds (1974) follows VAURIE (1955, 1959) in synonymizing Turdus chrysolaus orii YAMASHINA with nominate chrysolaus. Re-examination of materials, including the type and other specimens from the Kurile Islands, has shown that the breeding males of orii, the northern Kurile population (Paramushir, Araido, Matsuwa), can be separated readily from those of nominate chrysolaus from Sakhalin, Hokkaido and Honshu, on account of the very dark coloration of their head. In this subspecies (breeding males) the head and crown is blackish sooty brown in contrast to the olive-brown nape and back, giving an appearance of being black-capped, whereas in nominate chrysolaus the upper parts are more or less uniform olive brown. The wing length and the bill height (but not bill length) of orii are also larger, although the ranges of variation overlap to some extent between the two forms (Figs. 1-2). It therefore seems to me best to retain orii as a distinct subspecies. In females, juveniles and first winter males orii is rather similar to the nominate form, but in males the characteristics of orii may become recognizable in February or March as the wear of the plumage progresses.


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⇒亜種オオアカハラと亜種アカハラの違いは↓で再検討されていて、繁殖期の♂であれば、測定値よりも頭部の色で判断したほうが分かりやすいそう。標本が残っていたら良かったですが、第二次世界大戦で焼失したため、今は折居の記述から想像する事しかできません。⇒ https://t.co/yeOrJsYers
⇒沖縄島と石垣島の標本の所在は不明ですが、森岡(1979)はオオアカハラの独立性を再検討した際、「今までの記録が必ずしも正しい同定によっているとは限らない」と述べ、冬期には青森県・栃木県・東京都・神奈川県・静岡県で確実な記録があるとしました。https://t.co/yeOrJsYers ⇒

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