上敷領 淳 竹谷 翔太 江本 基樹 杉原 成美
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.40, no.10, pp.609-617, 2014-10-10 (Released:2015-10-10)

The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of cigarette smoking on the risk of illegal drug abuse and self-medication, such as the proper use of pharmaceutical products, among high school students.An anonymous, self-administered survey was conducted before and after a lecture on the prevention of drug abuse in a high school located in eastern Hiroshima Prefecture in November 2011. The subjects were classified into three groups according to smoking behavior; non-smokers, former smokers, and current smokers. Significant differences were observed between groups.The rate of recognizing health damage caused by the abuse of stimulant drugs, narcotic drugs or solvents was significantly decreased in the cigarette smoking group. In addition, the rate of intent to use drugs that were considered to be “medications that enable them to stay up all night for days”, “medications that would allow them complete recovery from fatigue” or “medications that would improve their appearance” was significantly increased in the cigarette smoking group. The rate of prescription medication compliance, such as confirming their correct usage or following their prescribed usage was significantly decreased in the cigarette smoking group.An influence against illegal drugs and the awareness of the risks of self-medication were observed in non- and former smokers according to the questionnaire performed after the lecture, but the influence on the cigarette smoking group was minimal. Education promoting medication compliance may be necessary for high school students, especially students who abuse cigarettes.


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10代から喫煙をしている人には、何を言っても無駄? 高校生の喫煙習慣が及ぼす薬物乱用のリスク並びにセルフメディケーションへの影響 https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/jjphcs/40/10/40_609/_pdf この調査は、高校生を対象に、喫煙歴無し・喫煙歴あり・喫煙習慣ありの3つのグループに分けて、薬物の危険性などに対する認識をアンケート ...

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俳優だけじゃない、プロデューサーや演出家など薬物依存の入り口である「ゲートウェイドラッグ」のタバコを吸う喫煙者を使うということはこういうリスクが高いということ。 田代まさしが何回も捕まってる昔っから言ってるよね。 https://t.co/t7jG31bZLm

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