伊藤 美奈子
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.63, no.3, pp.205-208, 1992-08-25 (Released:2010-07-16)
1 1

The purpose is to examine the relationship between self-acceptance and personalities developmentally, as for evaluative and affective dimensions. Results: Males and females showed differences in the formation of adolescent self-acceptance. At junior high school level, the accepted personalities are not yet differentiated as for two dimensions in both males and females. In males, they are differentiated at senior high school, and above this level, they showed a linear increase in differentiation. Females showed emotional differentiation at junior high school, and behavioral differentiation at senior high school, and further emotional differentiation at college level. The transition of male is “from a few limited to diverse”, while for females it is “from diverse to a few limited”, As the traits to self-acceptance diversify, the self-acceptance score is high.


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@derpoltergeist @emmalouisejay Not a native, but among the options I found on WWWJDIC I'd go with 自尊心 (ji-son-shin, 'auto'+'respect'+'heart'*) or 自尊感情 (ji-son-kan-jō; 感情 is feeling) for 'self-esteem', and 自己受容 (ji-ko-ju-yō) for 'self-acceptance' (as in this academic paper: https://t.co/KGDYAkExHO)

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