浜田 百合 井上 修斗 庄司 裕子
日本感性工学会論文誌 (ISSN:18845258)
vol.19, no.1, pp.55-63, 2019 (Released:2020-02-28)

This paper describes the trends in the phonemes used in naming by using the attributes of objects. The study used the names of characters in video games and automobiles as the targets of analysis. Through categorizing the objects based on their attributes, the study sought to verify if there existed a difference in the used phonemes between the categories. Resultantly, the study has clarified the phonemes used to illustrate the smallness, lightness, and weakness in addition to the phonemes used to depict the largeness, heaviness, and strength between two objects. In addition, the study had also employed evaluation experiments to verify the trends in the phonemes used in naming, which was derived from the analyses of the objects’ attributes, and to verify whether the phonemes used in the naming process matched with the people’s impressions. Throughout this process, the study has found the objects’ specific naming trends and the characteristics of the phonemes. By conducting the same analysis process for many objects, the study hopes to propose a supporting method for the naming process of specific objects.


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