真鍋 淑郎
Meteorological Society of Japan
気象集誌. 第2輯 (ISSN:00261165)
vol.33, no.2, pp.76-88, 1955 (Released:2009-02-05)
2 2

Using 2-layer model which is the special case of the multiple layer model defined by Charney and Phillips, investigation is made, from the view point of numerical weather prediction, on the role of the tilt of trough relative to the vertical for the development of the pressure pattern. At the same time, the mechanism of the transition between the tilted and the non-tilted trough is discussed. Finally, corresponding to the above development, the energetics of westerly wave, i. e., the energy exchange between the potential and the kinetic energy is investigated. Here, the simple expression for the change of these energies is obtained.


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@JMSJ_metsoc hits 11 Shukuro Manabe's papers. The oldest is in 1955 https://t.co/9OgXCbOxbB More recent in 2007 for "Role of Ocean in Global Warming" with R. Stouffer https://t.co/bXRZaZZXM8
The beauty of scholarly journal diversity is the gems you can find! On the Development and the Energetics of the Westerly Waves (Model Research on the Tilt of Trough) S. Manabe, 1955 https://t.co/gMlaSz3dbF Also see https://t.co/9xnmPWtWCG @JMSJ_metsoc #NobelPrize

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