中村 征樹
科学技術社会論研究 (ISSN:13475843)
vol.5, pp.31-43, 2008-06-30 (Released:2021-08-01)

Science Cafés are one of the most prominent activities among a wide variety of science communication initiatives in Japan. In the past few years, they have spread throughout the country widely, and gained exceptional public acknowledgement as such an enterprise. The characteristics of Japanese science cafés lie in the great diversity of styles and organizers. Such diversity may be a result of challenges to adapt the European origin science cafés to a Japanese culture. In this paper, the scope and challenge of Japanese science cafés are examined by comparison to their pioneers. Science Cafés were born in France and in the United Kingdom around 1997. Although their styles and aims are different among both, a high priority is placed on the discussion in common, and plural standpoints are strongly emphasized. Such an emphasis on "public dialogue" can find its roots in the global change of the relation between science and society. Science cafés do not only bring about a new "mode" to talk about science, but also they cultivate a new relationship between science and society. For the future of Japanese science cafés, such aspects of "public dialogue" are worth serious consideration.


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科学コミュニケーション研究において、「日本のサイエンスカフェ、ゲストがパワポ使い過ぎ。いつもの講演会をカフェでやってるだけで対話になってないじゃん」って見方もあるのね。 https://t.co/JaoIeWa2Ro

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