石川 隆紀 宮石 智 土井 裕輔 高田 智世 今林 貴代美 稲垣 幸代 吉留 敬 山本 雄二 石津 日出雄
Okayama Medical Association
岡山医学会雑誌 (ISSN:00301558)
vol.114, no.3, pp.303-308, 2003-01-31 (Released:2009-03-30)

We encountered two cases of unnatural death occurring indoors in early spring in Okayama Prefecture. The two cases were both females aged 31yearsold and 88yearsold. Autopsies revealed death from hypothermia as the cause of death. The diagnosis of death from cold was not based solely on the characteristic findings of the dead body. After confirming that there were no other accidents and diseases that may cause death, an overall evaluation should be made considering the conditions surrounding occurrence of death from cold. We describe these procedures using these two autopsy cases of death from hypothermia.


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岡山県下で起きた早春室内での凍死例 https://t.co/ng2mOJQ8O2

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