Hiroyuki Katsuta Michikazu Nomura Takeo Wakita Hidenori Daido Yumi Kobayashi Atsuko Kawahara Shinichi Banba
Pesticide Science Society of Japan
Journal of Pesticide Science (ISSN:1348589X)
vol.44, no.2, pp.120-128, 2019-05-20 (Released:2019-05-20)
32 49

Broflanilide (1), discovered by Mitsui Chemicals Agro, Inc., has a unique chemical structure characterized as a meta-diamide and exhibits high activity against various pests, including Lepidopteran, Coleopteran, and Thysanopteran pests. Because broflanilide has a novel mode of action, the Insecticide Resistance Action Committee (IRAC) categorized it as a member of a new group: Group 30. The meta-diamide structure was generated via drastic structural modification of a lead compound, flubendiamide (2), and the subsequent structural optimization of meta-diamides on each of its three benzene rings led to the discovery of broflanilide. In the present study, the details of the generation of meta-diamides from the lead compound and the structural optimization of meta-diamides are described.


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@TTT_Farm これの最初らへんにつらっと書いてます https://t.co/FyM3WAqmoP 番号は出た順ですからね...笑
ブロフラニリドの最近減ってきたオールドファッションなQSAR論文が出ていた https://t.co/xajJiIOqJz やっぱりフルベンジアミドがリード そしてウマ活性のついてこなさが泣ける 鱗翅とウマってスペクトラム近いけどなぜか一定以上のところでトレードオフになりやすいんよな...

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