平田 まり
一般社団法人 日本学校保健学会
学校保健研究 (ISSN:03869598)
vol.53, no.1, pp.3-9, 2011-04-20 (Released:2023-04-07)

The purpose of this research was to obtain basic information for use in teaching the correct usage of analgesics for menstrual pain to junior and senior high school students. In June, 2008 I administered a self-report questionnaire to 222 first-year female university students regarding the usage of analgesic for menstrual pain. The responses from144 students aged 18 or 19 years, whose age at menarche was 15 years or younger, and who had suffered menstrual pain during the past year were analyzed. According to the survey results, more than 50% of the students had used an analgesic. Logistic regression analysis confirmed that the severity of menstrual pain was the most relevant factor in the usage of analgesic. Of the analgesic users, 65% held a negative view of analgesic usage and 55% worried about the dependence, tolerance or side-effects of usage. While 75% of the users knew that analgesics might cause side-effects, they knew less about the exact symptoms of the side-effects. It was inferred that few students read the explanatory leaflet supplied with the analgesic. From the survey results, it was clear that we needed to provide an effective awareness lesson to make sure that students acquired appropriate knowledge about usage of analgesic. Only half of the users had taken analgesic at the recommended time, namely, before the onset of severe pain, and 40% of the users had not experienced satisfactory pain relief. So it also suggested that students should be encouraged to consult a pharmacist or a doctor regarding appropriate treatment for menstrual pain.


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15年前の調査だが結果は興味深い 対象は、大阪府にある私立大学の1年生の女子学生 【学校保健研究 53(1) p3-9,2011】 若年女性の月経痛に対する鎮痛剤の使用実態と教育的課題 https://t.co/LaRyqYVUW6… https://t.co/xyDY03dLWs

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