船木 實 大槻 一枝 大野 正夫
Algal Resources (ISSN:18833284)
vol.14, no.2, pp.29-47, 2021 (Released:2022-12-30)

In the years 1932-52, Yoshiro Otsuki, while living in China, investigated how to cultivate Saccharina japonica var. japonica (Makombu) and Undaria pinnatifida (Wakame) in the Yellow Sea area in China. In 1938 he was able to develop a seeding method that could release numerous numbers of zoospores from mature Makombu and Wakame within several hours by stimulating the seaweed through partial drying of their thalli also known as “dry stimulation method ”. Consequently, he was able to establish the complete cultivation of Wakame using the raft cultivation method near the sea surface. However, Makombu has to be submerged on the seabed during the summer season because of too high temperature. Otsuki solved this problem by cultivating the gametophyte stage in the oligotrophic seawater below the sea surface and by this treatment, the gametophyte stage developed some form of resistance against environmental change. He was able to establish the complete cultivation technique of Makombu in 1952. However, he was not able to apply the technique in commercial scale in China as he had to return to Japan in 1953, just after being released from detention by the Chinese government. In Japan, he started the cultivation of Wakame in Onagawa, Miyagi Prefecture as soon as he returned home. This time he succeeded in the commercial cultivation of Wakame. Some Chinese researchers have evaluated his contribution to the establishment of cultivated technology of Makombu in Yellow Sea, where it does not grow naturally. Unfortunately, Otsuki's achievements have been almost unknown to the Japanese-both to the general public and the fishermen.


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画像は以下のWikipediacommonsより https://t.co/HOeUrubolr 以下参考文献 コンブ生産における中国の動向と台湾市場(2009) https://t.co/YxNr2bkBbF 戦後日本の昆布業 https://t.co/WoZQNKz1p8 大槻洋四郎氏による中国と日本におけるマコンブとワカメの養殖,及びその評価 https://t.co/iu88Osuqu7
海苔のキャスリーン・メアリー・ドリュー=ベイカー、椎茸の森喜作、昆布・ワカメの大槻洋四郎は、日本食を好むなら皆、その功績を称えておかしくない人々。 特に大槻洋四郎はもっと取り上げられるべき人物だと思う。 https://t.co/f6SIWmyl3f https://t.co/FwJZBcIA84

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