鯰江 一也 栗田 裕 松村 雄一
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
Dynamics & Design Conference 2006 (ISSN:24242993)
pp._164-1_-_164-6_, 2006-08-06 (Released:2017-06-19)

This paper describes a transitional wave phenomenon in synchronous flashing of fireflies. We used self-excited oscillator, consists of amplification element, saturation element and phase delay element. To simulate a transitional wave phenomenon, the self-excited oscillator simulated the firefly shouldn't be late from the detection of the flashing of other self-excited oscillator. The period of self-excited oscillator in the transient state depends on strength of own flashing and changes. Strengthening strength of own flashing, perceived the flashing of other self-excited oscillators, the timing of flashing shifts and withdraws by correcting it at a constant period. This is a transitional wave phenomenon.


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