大宮 輝雄 奥村 清
一般社団法人 日本科学教育学会
科学教育研究 (ISSN:03864553)
vol.18, no.4, pp.189-196, 1994 (Released:2017-07-29)

Japanese decators are concerned about the problems caused by the recent increase in the number of senior high school students who display dislike for science education.Of particular-concern is the decrease in the number of students who elect to take physics course.An analysis of the principal cause of this growing dislike for science education revealed the following conclusions.1. About 40 percent of male students and 60 percent of female students dislike science subjects in secondary school. 80~90 percent of these students profess a particular dislike for physics and chemistry. The oneset of this dislike for science education takes place in the second year of secondary education.2. The chief factors contributing to the dislike of physics and chemistry are the necessary use of education, formulas and basic understanding of these concepts among students.3. It was clear from the analysis that illustration with figures is a better method for understanding the contents of numerical equations.4. There are significant differences in education. It is therefore crucial for science educators to take into consideration these different attitudes among their male and female senior high school students.


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