広瀬 弘忠
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.5, no.2, pp.83-95, 1990-03-20 (Released:2016-11-25)

AIDS presents a fundamental challenge to the Japanese society as well as any other societies in the world. The 30th Annual Meeting of The Japanese Society of Social Psychology had a plenary session on "AIDS and Current Japanese Society". The aim of the report is to set ourselves an assignment of "what should we do about AIDS problems" through describing the three and a half hours presentations and discussions. We had five paper givers who were a clinical doctor of AIDS ward, a representative of a hemophilia support group, a government's public health official, a journalist and a social psychologist. We also had two discussants who were a AIDS researcher and a social psychologist. Indeed, the cross-disciplinary symposium on AIDS is the first attempt in the field of social psychology of Japan, but it could offer a good opportunity to arouse our concern to this problem.


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「エイズは現代社会の前に立ちはだかる大きな壁であり、われわれはその存亡をかけて、この壁との戦いを、将来にわたって続けていかなければならない。」(広瀬, 1990)という悲壮感は今はないなあ.戦いに勝ったということなんだろうか.https://t.co/hkg3S1IWJY

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