峰尾 菜生子
青年心理学研究 (ISSN:09153349)
vol.28, no.2, pp.67-85, 2017-02-03 (Released:2017-03-02)

This study aimed to develop a scale measuring university studentsʼ views of Japanese society. In study 1, 111 students provided free descriptions of their evaluations of society. The descriptions were classified into 11 categories. In study 2, based on the results of study 1, the Oneʼs View of Society Scale was developed, and its validity was examined. The participants comprised 271 students. Factor analysis yielded three subscales: “negative evaluations of selfish and self-righteous people,” “positive evaluations of a peaceful and affluent life,” and “respect for efforts.” Correlation analyses between the subscales and previous scales revealed that the validity of the Oneʼs View of Society Scale was acceptable. The results revealed that university studentsʼ views of society had the following features: (a) the studentsʼ conceptualizations of their image of ʻsocietyʼ was varied; (b) they negatively evaluated society as a whole, as well as politics, media, and human relations; (c) they considered affluence, culture, and peace as positive attributes of society; and (d) most students evaluated society negatively but there were individual differences in degree of anxiety to live in society.


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大学生における日本社会に対する社会観の特徴 ――自由記述に基づく社会観尺度の作成と妥当性の検討―― https://t.co/f21j8KOQrH

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