木谷 智子 岡本 祐子
青年心理学研究 (ISSN:09153349)
vol.29, no.2, pp.91-105, 2018-03-02 (Released:2018-04-11)

In modern society, the context to which youth belongs has become more diversified and the roles that young people play are also diversifying. Further, the modern society makes it difficult to form a singular identity. The identity of “plural identities” has been proposed as a form of identity adapted by modern society. This study considered the identity formation methods undertaken by modern youth, focusing on plural identities.In the first study, we first classified youth identity into the following three types—single identity, plural identity, and identity diffusion. Further, in our second study, interviews were conducted to examine the varying characteristics of the three identities. A young man, who was categorized as having a single identity required to choose whether or not to present himself in any given situation, depending on the friendliness and acceptance of the person he was facing. However, youth classified as having multiple identities were able to alter themselves according to the social demands placed on them, and they formed different identities for each scene.


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1980年代以降、学生時代を送った人たちにこの思考を持つ方が多いそう。 興味がある方は是非、論文【自己の多面性とアイデンティティの関連】木谷智子、岡本祐子(著)をご覧ください
ん? 自己の存在というより自己概念が、か? 遅れてきた”青春期”か… ちょっとわからない…む、要勉強&熟考 この問題と関係あるかはわからんが、ぐぐったら何か興味深い論文↓ 青年心理学研究 自己の多面性とアイデンティティの関係 https://t.co/fsxfUlDNcP
青年期とアイデンティティの模索?って面白いよね 高校生くらいの人はみんな、自分は周りとはちょっと違うんだぜってアピールしたりするけど、それは結局みんな同じなんだよね そういえば誰だったかが反抗期に反抗するのってめっちゃ従順じゃんって言ってたな https://t.co/q4TqEqBPT2
【論文】木谷・岡本(2018) 青心研/「自己複数性」と「抑うつ」尺度を用いたクラスター分析から「自己拡散群」と「一元的自己群」に加え、自己複数性は高いが抑うつの低い「多元的自己群」を見出した研究。質問紙と面接から、各群のアイデンティティ感覚と自己概念を探った。https://t.co/1XnPN77Trx https://t.co/tPuvcuNGGI

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