葛本 佳以 久保田 紀子 齋藤 儀信 藤岡 文夫 湯本 佳良子 日髙 惠以子 川上 由行
一般社団法人 日本感染症学会
感染症学雑誌 (ISSN:03875911)
vol.87, no.2, pp.207-210, 2013-03-20 (Released:2014-12-22)
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Kingella species including K. kingae are non-motile coccobacilli or short straight rods, and their normal habitats appear to be the upper respiratory and oropharyngeal tracts of humans. In recent years, K. kingae strains have been in creasingly recognized as common causes of invasive infections in children at the age of less than 4 years. In Japan, however, invasive K. kingae infections including osteomyelitis have rarely been described. We incidentally encountered isolation of a K. kingae strain from intraoperatively obtained specimens from a previously healthy 44-month-old boy. He first consulted a nearby medical facility and a suspected diagnosis of osteomyelitis was made, after which the patient was then transferred to our Nagano Childrenʼs hospital. There was evidence of inflammation in his right calcaneus and toe walking was noted. He was treated with surgical drainage. An isolate grown on sheep blood agar with positive oxidase and negative catalase was biochemically characterized with the ID-Test HN20(Nissui Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., Tokyo, Japan)kit system together with genetic examinations involving sequencing the 16S rRNA gene, and the infection was finally identified as K. kingae. The patient was successfully treated with cefotiam(CTM)for the first 7 days followed by the administration of trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole(ST)for an additional 2 months. The K. kingae isolate was confirmed as a sure causative pathogen by observing that the serum showed high agglutinin titers against the isolate. Accumulation of the case reports in Japan with the isolation of this species is essential for clarifying invasive infections due to K. kingae. Our case report is a noteworthy and useful piece of information.


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医療従事者ですが小児の骨髄炎に詳しいわけではない為、気になったので文献を調べてみました。 で、質問なんですが保育園に通ってますか? 原因菌は特定出来ましたか?黄色ブドウ球菌がけっこう多いみたいですが、小児だとキンゲラ菌も多く特定されにくいと文献に書いてありました。↓ https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/kansenshogakuzasshi/87/2 ...

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