藤原 信太郎 牛木 勝
日本香粧品学会誌 (ISSN:18802532)
vol.39, no.3, pp.173-176, 2015-09-30 (Released:2017-01-17)

Conspicuous pores on face causes great concern to women across age boundaries because skin smoothness is one of the crucial beauty markers. Eye-catching pores are mainly distributed on the cheek and have dilated orifice, but cheek-specific changes leading to pore dilation have not been found, although some previous reports suggested that pore dilation is evoked by clogged sebum or the change in internal structure of the skin around pores. Focusing on the relationship between skin morphology and porous skin, many researchers examined the effect of the changes in shape of crista and sulcus cutis and isotropy of the surface morphology on the holistic impression of the pore size, but existing ideas have not provided sufficient understanding of the formation of porous skin. In this study, we hypothesized that rough skin texture adjacent to facial pore may contribute the impression of pore dilation, since few previous reports focused on the change in the shape of the radical triangle of the skin texture around each pore associated with skin dryness whereas it is localized at the center of sulcus cutis. We compared skin condition and texture figure around pores of the cheek to those of the forehead and eye area, and found that cheek-specific skin dehydration and many sulculus around the pore centers which might be evoked by the skin dryness and skin moves. Detailed observation of the inner surface of facial pores leads to the new finding. These findings suggested that the increased sulculus by skin dryness and skin moves contribute to the vision of porous skin via pore dilation and the addition of a dark shadow to the pore.


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